
This Code of Ordinances and/or any other documents that appear on this site may not reflect the most current legislation adopted by the City of Taylor Mill. American Legal Publishing Corporation provides these documents for informational purposes only. These documents should not be relied upon as the definitive authority for local legislation. Additionally, the formatting and pagination of the posted documents varies from the formatting and pagination of the official copy. The official printed copy of a Code of Ordinances should be consulted prior to any action being taken.

For further information regarding the official version of this Code of Ordinances or other documents posted on this site, please contact the City of Taylor Mill directly at (859) 581-3234 or contact American Legal Publishing toll-free at (800) 445-5588.


Ordinances by Number and Title

396 2024.06.12 Budget Adoption FY2024-2025

394 2024.06.12 Financing and General Obligation Lease Agreement for Bonding of Firehouse Project

393 2023.11.28 Rental Registry to Assist the City with Notifications of Landlords

392 2023.11.28 Budget Amendment FY23-24

391 2023.09.28 Waste Collection Assessment

390 2023.09.28 Annual Tax Assessment 2023

389 09.13.23 Cable Franchise Agreement with Spectrum and Charter Communications

388 06.28.23 Amendment of the Fire and EMS Service Fees

387 06.28.23 Budget Amendment FY2022-2023

386 06.28.23 Personnel and Pay Classification for all Job Descriptions

385 06-14-23 Budget Adoption FY23-24

384 05-10-23 Vote Failed

383 11-09-22 Amending of Street Name Sandman to Sandmann

382 09-28-22 Amendment to Waste Collection Assessment

381 09-28-22 Annual Tax Assessment FY2022-2023

380 06-08-22 Budget Adoption FY2022-2023

379 07.19.22 Budget Amendment

378 05-11-22 Zoning Text and Map Amendment - Z21

Ordinance 377 Regulation and Raising of Chickens

ORD 376 Amending the Pay Plan for all Job Descriptions and Titles

ORD 375 Amending Code Section 32.21 to add Caucus Meeting

ORD 374 Cincinnati Bell Franchise Agreement

ORD 373 EMT Services Fee Increase

ORD 372 Amendment to Ord 363 Increasing Waste Collection Assessment

ORD 371 Annual Tax Assessment Rates for FY2021-2022

ORD 370 Budget Adoption FY21-22 06092021

ORD 369 Budget Amendment FY20-21 06092021

ORD 368 Interlocal Agreement - Kenton County Joint Code Enforcement Board 06092021

ORD 367 Zoning Amendment to Change Zoning Map for the area of 5433 Old TM Rd 05122021

ORD 366 Revision of PUD Requirement lots size from 25 Acres to 5 Acres 04142021

ORD 365 Changing House Numbers and Street Addresses

ORD 364 Amending Text of TM Zoning 12092020

ORD 363 Solid Waste Collection Fee 09092020

ORD 362 Annual Tax Assessment FY20-2021 09142020

ORD 361 Participation in SD1 Stormwater Cost Share Program 08312020

ORD 360 Budget Adoption FY2020-2021 06102020

ORD 359 Budget Amendment FY19-2020 061020

ORD 358 Renaming KY16 to Pride Parkway 04082020

ORD 357 Repealing Animal Ordinance 04082020

ORD 356 Wired Communication Franchise 04082020

ORD 355 Code of Ethics 04082020

ORD 354 Handling Fees for Impounded Vehicles 03112020

ORD 353 Parking on Primrose 12112019

ORD 352 Wireless Telecommunications Franchise 111319

ORD 351 Solid Waste Collection Fee 09112019

ORD 350 Annual Tax Assessment Rates for FY2019-2020 09112019

ORD 349 Garage Ordinance 082119

ORD 348 Rental and Deposit Rate Amendment for Center and Shelter 08142019

ORD 347 Budget Adoption FY19-2020 06122019

ORD 346 Budget Amendment FY18-2019 06122019

ORD 345 Text Amendment to I-4 Zoning 05082019

ORD 344 Ordinance never voted on and was voided 04102019

ORD 343 04-10-19 Employment of Untrained Applicants as Peace Officers

ORD 342 Rescind Pole Barn Ordinance 338 05082019

ORD 341 Text Amendment for Portions of New Driveways 0410219

ORD 340 Special Early Sunday Alcohol Sales 03132019

ORD 339 City Clerk Salary Revision 02062019

ORD 338 Size Limitations on Customary Accessory Uses 10102018

ORD 337 Solid Waste Collect Fee 10102018

ORD 336 Annual Tax Assessment 10102018

ORD 335 Budget Adoption FY18-2019

ORD 334 Budget Amendment FY17-2018

ORD 333 Short Term Rentals of Residential Real Estate 06132018

ORD 332 Sign Regulations 05092018

ORD 331 Transfer of Land from City of Covington 031418

ORD 330 Amending Sections 10.18, 10.19, 10.20 and 11.1 of Zoning Ordinance 03142018

ORD 329 Amending the Personal Pay and Classification Plan 01102018

ORD 328 Amending TM Ord 310 Increasing Rate of Waste Collection 11082017

ORD 327 Annual Assessment of Real Estate and Personal Property 11082017

ORD 326 Amending TM Zoning Ord to change zoning map re Holdsbranch Rd and Madison Pike 11082017

ORD 325 Amending Section 10.4 of Zoning Ord 09132017

ORD 324 Amending Text of Sections 9.29 10.18, 10.20, 10.21 & 11.0 C 1d. of TM Zoning Ord 09132017

ORD 323 Amending the Text of Section 10.3 of TM Zoning Ord 08162017

ORD 322 Adopting a Budget 06212017

ORD 321 Amendment to Ord 314 and the Budget 06212017

ORD 320 Financing Cost of Reconstruction of Rosewood Court and Blulake Drive 05102017

ORD 319 Establishing Regulations for Motor Vehicle Traffic on High Ridge and Wayman Branch 05102017

ORD 318 Amending Text to TM Zoning Ordinance - Sections 9.29 & 10.19 02152018

ORD 317 Prohibition of Commerical Trucks on portions of Blackstone Ct. and McCowan Dr 01112017

ORD 316 Amending Ord 161 Regarding Parks, Playgrounds and Recreations Systems 12142016

ORD 315 Annual Assessment of Real Estate and Personal Property 11092016

ORD 314A Adopting a Budget 06082016

ORD 313 Amending Ord 306B and the Budget 06182016

ORD 312 Amendent to TM Zoning Ordinance - 5136 Old Taylor Mill Rd 05232016

ORD 311 Adopting a supplement to the Code of Ordinances 12092015

ORD 310 Amendment to Ord 303 Increasing Annual Waste Collection Assessment 11192015

ORD 309 Annual Assessment of Real Estate and Personal Property 11112015