Republic Revises Pickup Dates in Taylor Mill: Beginning Monday February 3, Republic Services is revising its collection schedule for the residents of Taylor Mill.  The new schedule will enable a Republic Services vehicle to be in the city Monday through Friday.  Both residential garbage and recycling will occur on the new day.  Republic has mailed post cards to all our residents indicating their new day. However, you can also follow this link to an interactive map that will allow you to see your address and the new collection date.  Any questions can be directed to: 800-543-1339   Collection Schedule Taylor Mill – 

Giving Back to the Community

The Taylor Mill city employees are getting into the holiday spirit and giving back to our community.  Currently we have two collection drives going.  The Taylor Mill Fire Department is collecting winter coats for St. Vincent DePaul.  Donations can be dropped off at the station.  In the lobby of city hall, employees are collecting nonperishable food items for Action Ministries.  That lobby is open M-F 8-5.  Please help us make this holiday season a little brighter for others.