Thank You for Visiting the City Government Page!
The Taylor Mill City Commission meets the second Wednesday of each month at 7 p.m. in the Commission Chambers at the Taylor Mill City Building, 5225 Taylor Mill Rd.
The public is invited and encouraged to attend all Commission meetings.
- All requests to be on the meeting agenda must be made by noon the Friday prior to the meeting.
- Please call the Taylor Mill Administration Department at 859.581.3234 for scheduling.
- All guests that are not on the agenda, but wish to speak, will be given 3 minutes.
City commission meetings are televised on TBNK Government Channel. Spectrum channels 203 & 204 and Altafiber/Bell channels 814 & 815.
Click the links to the left to watch archived meetings or stream live on TBNK.

Taylor Mill City Commission
About Our City Government
The City of Taylor Mill has a commission form of government and is governed by an elected mayor and four elected commissioners.
The mayor is elected every four years, and the commissioners are elected every two years.
Together, the mayor and commissioners form the Taylor Mill City Commission and hold both executive and legislative authority in the city.
The Commission appoints a City Administrative Officer (CAO) to run the operational affairs of the city on a day-to-day basis.
If you ever have questions or want to learn more, contact the city administrator or any of our elected officials.