Building and zoning issues in Taylor Mill are facilitated by Planning Development Services (PDS), the Kenton County Planning Commission or the Taylor Mill Board of Adjustment.

Contact PDS
1840 Simon Kenton Way, Suite 3400
Covington, Kentucky 41011-2999
Phone: 859.331.8980
Hours: M-F 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Planning & Development Services
PDS is a “One Stop Shop” agency staffed by professional planners and building officials that provides comprehensive building and zoning services under one roof.
The following services are offered:
Building Code Services
The Department of Building Codes Administration ensures buildings and electrical service meet the minimum requirements for public safety per the Kentucky Building Code and National Electric Code. The Department reviews building plans, issues building permits, performs field inspections, issues certificates of occupancy and handles complaints and violations.
Did you know? Permits are required for structures such as buildings, fences, sheds, walls, driveways, deck, off-street parking areas, among others.
Kenton County Code Enforcement Board
The Kenton County Code Enforcement Board conducts hearings to determine whether a code violation has or has not occurred based on the presented evidence and sworn testimonies. Meetings are held the second Thursday of the month at 6:00 p.m.
The City of Taylor Mill has a representative on the Kenton County Code Enforcement Board.
Planning and Zoning Services
The Department of Planning and Zoning Administration provides area-wide comprehensive planning and ensures compliance with Taylor Mill zoning ordinances. The Department reviews zoning permits and zoning amendments, handles zoning violations and makes recommendations to the Kenton County Planning Commission on rezoning requests. The department also develops comprehensive plans and specialized planning studies.
View Direction 2030 Kenton County Master Plan
View the 2006 I-275-KY16 Land Use Study
View Taylor Mill Zoning Ordinances
Infrastructure Engineering Services
The Department of Infrastructure Engineering is responsible for reviewing and inspecting all proposed subdivision development in Taylor Mill for compliance with the subdivision regulations. The department promotes managed growth of well-planned, livable communities, and coordinates the provision of quality public infrastructure and services to citizens of Northern Kentucky.
LINK-Geographic Information System (GIS)
LINK-GIS is an Internet-based mapping tool that provides information about topography, property, streets, flood zones, sex offenders, monuments, polling places, zoning, historic images and aerial views, among others. Visit for more information.
For more information or to obtain applications and forms, please contact the PDS at (859) 331-8980 or visit
Kenton County Planning Commission
The Kenton County Planning Commission is a 20-member board that meets publicly to make decisions on area planning and zoning issues such as comprehensive plans, subdivision plats and cell tower locations.
The Commission is comprised of local citizens appointed by the legislative bodies of each of the member communities.
The Commission also provides recommendations (with input from the PDS staff) to municipalities on rezoning requests and changes to their zoning text.
Zoning is the classification of land into districts according to how the land will be used (e.g., residential vs. commercial) and dictates the placement and size of buildings and parking, among other restrictions. A request for rezoning (map amendment) is required when the proposed development is not consistent with current zoning.
The Taylor Mill Commission is responsible for all final decisions on rezoning.
The Kenton County Planning Commission meets at 6:15 p.m. on the first Thursday of each month. For more information, please contact the PDS at (859) 331-8980 or visit
Taylor Mill Board of Adjustments
The Taylor Mill Board of Adjustment is a five-member, quasi-judicial body that meets publicly to make case-by-case decisions on requests by property owners regarding Taylor Mill zoning ordinances. The Board is comprised of local citizens appointed by the Taylor Mill Commission.
The Board of Adjustment primarily makes decisions on:
- Variances to dimensional zoning regulations (e.g., request to change setback requirements from the street, side yard or rear yard)
- Conditional property uses (e.g., request to allow a school, preschool, church, etc. in a residential district)
- Non-conforming uses (e.g., request to change the use of a non-conforming property, which is defined as a property use that is not consistent with current zoning. The change in non-conforming property use must have less of an impact on surrounding property than the current use.)
- Administrative appeals of any zoning decisions made by the PDS or City staff.
The Board meets on an “as-needed” basis at 7 p.m. on the first Thursday of each month. For more information or to schedule a board meeting, please contact Taylor Mill Administration at (859) 581-3234.