Commission Meeting: City Commission Meeting this Wednesday, February 12, 2025, at 7 p.m. located at the City Municipal Building.

Update on Taylor Mill Road Sidewalks – Final Phase

The City has been working to complete the design of the Phase 3 project to install sidewalks along the northbound shoulder of KY 3716 (Taylor Mill Road) and connect the current sidewalk at the intersection with Saddlebrook Drive and run all the way to Walnut Street near the Trifecta building.  This project is scheduled for construction in the spring 2024.

The City’s engineering consultant recently completed the field work for an environmental study to determine potential environmental impacts.  The Kentucky Transportation Cabinet (KYTC) and the City’s consultants are currently working to gain approval of the environmental documentation pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) of 1969.  The project is expected to receive NEPA approval by the end of August 2023.  It is estimated that the ROW acquisition phase will take approximately six months to complete.  This would allow the construction contract to be bid in April 2024.  


On or Held by Date

Phase 1 Design Notice to Proceed (NTP)


Hold Public Hearing


Hold PL&G Inspection


Submit DES/ PL&G Final Meeting Minutes


Final Plans-in-Hand Inspection (80% Plans)


KYTC NEPA Approval

August 2023

Begin Right-of-Way / Easement Acquisitions

September 2023

Right-of-Way / Easement Acquisitions Complete

March 2024

Bid Construction Contract Bid

April 2024



*- Actual on or held by date are shown in bold font

During this time, utility agencies impacted by the proposed improvements are expected to make any necessary adjustments or relocations to their facilities in advance of the construction contract.