Commission Meeting: City Commission Meeting this Wednesday, February 12, 2025, at 7 p.m. located at the City Municipal Building.

United Way to Provide Lyft Rides to Vaccine Appointments: Get Out the Vax

Based on the success of a unique partnership between TriHealth and United Way of Greater Cincinnati called Ride United, six healthcare systems have come together with United Way to sponsor a transportation program using the ridesharing platform Lyft to support free rides to vaccine appointments for community residents.

The Purpose

Throughout the months of April and May, our community vaccination strategy is focusing on key Get Out the Vax tactics to increase the number of vaccinated community members.  Recognizing that transportation to appointments will be a challenge for many community members, this program will provide free rides through Lyft by distributing codes for round trip rides to appointments.  We have initially secured 1,000 codes for distribution.

To access this program simply call dial 211 (United Way Transportation Solutions)

United Way’s 211 call specialists will:

  • ·        Determine the community member has a confirmed vaccine appointment
  • ·        Ensure that the member has an unmet transportation need (and refer to COA or SORTA, if appropriate)
  • ·        Assess whether the community member has the ability to use the Lyft ridesharing platform
  • ·        Distribute a single use round trip code to be used the day of appointment

United Way 211 (