Commission Meeting: City Commission Meeting this Wednesday, February 12, 2025, at 7 p.m. located at the City Municipal Building.

Taylor Mill PD Practices Safe Distancing


We have been working hard to not only protect You, our customer, but also to protect our police officers during the COVID-19 Pandemic.  We have made sure our officers have the personal protective equipment they need to keep them safe and on the job so they are ready to respond to your public safety needs.  Similarly, Taylor Mill  residents such as Kim Vaal, have taken their own measures to protect our officers and keep them fit for duty.  Out of the goodness of her heart and at her own expense,  she made washable N95 Masks  for all of our police officers. Depicted below is Sergeant Ken Holstein promoting social distancing.  We are very proud that Governor Andy Beshear displayed this photo during his statewide televised COVID-19 news briefing on April 15th, as he called attention to TMPD following his COVID-19 precautions.
You may have recently observed two police cruisers traveling down your street, one car directly behind the other.  This is another impact of the pandemic.  We recently had two officers graduate from police basic training, officers Nathan Kling and Jordan Norris.  Both recruits drive a patrol car, however they follow directly behind their field training officer (FTO). Under routine conditions the new officers and the FTO ride in the same cruiser.  However COVID-19 concerns and social distancing compliance are causing us to train our officers in a modified fashion, in order to enhance safety for our entire staff.
We can’t thank the Taylor Mill Community enough for your continued and unwavering support,  of YOUR Police Department. Especially during these difficult times.  As the Governor says, we will get through this and we will get through this together.  Stand Strong Taylor Mill!
Stay safe and Healthy,


Steve Knauf, Police Chief and Commissioner Mark Kreimborg, Police Liason