Republic Revises Pickup Dates in Taylor Mill: Beginning Monday February 3, Republic Services is revising its collection schedule for the residents of Taylor Mill.  The new schedule will enable a Republic Services vehicle to be in the city Monday through Friday.  Both residential garbage and recycling will occur on the new day.  Republic has mailed post cards to all our residents indicating their new day. However, you can also follow this link to an interactive map that will allow you to see your address and the new collection date.  Any questions can be directed to: 800-543-1339   Collection Schedule Taylor Mill – 

Taylor Mill Police Department Accomplishments

On March 14, 2018 at the Taylor Mill City Commission Meeting, the Taylor Mill Police Explorers were recognized for their continued success. In early February they traveled to Gatlinburg, TN, to compete in Winterfest 2018. While there they competed in numerous events, placing 3rd in Felony Traffic Stop. During the meeting, they were presented with a framed certificate congratulating them for their hard work!

Additionally, Kenton County Commonwealth’s Attorney, Rob Sanders, Presented Sgt. Cyrus Harris with a plaque recognizing his hard work during the investigation into the murder of Taylor Mill resident, Trina Coleman. The plaque stated: “In recognition of your outstanding performance in the investigation, testimony and murder conviction of Lamont Johnson, where your partnership with prosecuting Commonwealth Attorney Rob Sanders proved instrumental in securing a life in prison sentence and a measure of justice for murder victim Trina Coleman and her family.”

We are very proud of the dedicated work that both Sgt. Harris and Commonwealth’s Attorney Rob Sanders provided this case from start to finish!