Commission Meeting: City Commission Meeting this Wednesday, February 12, 2025, at 7 p.m. located at the City Municipal Building.

Yoga in the Park

The City of Taylor Mill, in conjunction with The Yoga Bar, is offering a Yoga in the Park series at Pride Park (5614 Taylor Mill Road). This six (6) week session will be held on Thursdays, beginning May 4th, 2017 and ending June 8th, 2017. Classes will be held in the back field of Pride Park from 7:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. For those interested in participating, please complete the below form and mail or drop it off to the City Administration Office (5225 Taylor Mill Road) with payment. There will be no refunds, partial or prorated classes. Please remember to bring an exercise mat and water bottle!

Total Six (6) Week Session Price: $60.00