Republic Revises Pickup Dates in Taylor Mill: Beginning Monday February 3, Republic Services is revising its collection schedule for the residents of Taylor Mill.  The new schedule will enable a Republic Services vehicle to be in the city Monday through Friday.  Both residential garbage and recycling will occur on the new day.  Republic has mailed post cards to all our residents indicating their new day. However, you can also follow this link to an interactive map that will allow you to see your address and the new collection date.  Any questions can be directed to: 800-543-1339   Collection Schedule Taylor Mill – 

The Vietnam Moving Wall – Volunteers Needed

The City of Taylor Mill is proud to announce The Moving Wall, a replica of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial, will be visiting Pride Park in Taylor Mill, KY from Thursday, July 28th, 2016 through Monday, August 1st, 2016.  The purpose of The Moving Wall is to bring healing to Veterans, and the family and friends of those who died or who remain missing as a result of the Vietnam War.  An estimated 15,000 individuals are expected to visit The Moving Wall, many of which may never have the opportunity to see the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, D.C.  It is our hope that the memorial will help heal some of the wounds of war, and help educate the community about the war in Vietnam and its impact on our nation and our Veterans.

The Moving Wall Project is seeking volunteers who are interested in providing security, guidance, and emotional support to visitors during the duration of its visit at Pride Park, which means we also have many volunteer opportunities for anyone wanting to be more intimately involved in the project.  The opportunities are endless for those of you wishing to be involved. If you are interested in volunteering, please sign-up at this website:

Every time The Moving Wall visits a town, thousands of individuals come to find a name or a few names of that are very special to them.  Often using the Wall as an etch to create a keepsake as a symbol of their visit.  For several hundred visitors it is the first and only time they will have seen a particular name upon the Wall.  For all who visit it is a moving experience.

For more information about The Moving Wall visiting the City of Taylor Mill, please contact me at 859.581.3234 or via email at [email protected].