Live. Work. Play.
The Districts will transform Taylor Mill with high-quality developments comprised of businesses and shops, alongside a synergistic mix of commercial and office buildings, creating a community for everyone to experience and enjoy.
The Districts is composed of four unique areas that can be developed concurrently or in multiple phases.

Main Street Area (District 1):
Main Street is the premier district, setting the stage for a traditional downtown in the heart of Taylor Mill.
Off Main Street Area (District 2):
For those seeking more flexibility in design, Off Main Street offers an opportunity for
more intensive commercial and office uses.
Hospitality and Retail Row (District 3):
The high visibility and larger sites of Hospitality and Retail Row cater to the diverse
needs of the commuting public and provide an ideal location for business support uses.
Professional Business Hub Area (District 4):
Users in the Professional Business Hub benefit from a synergistic mix of offices and
research development facilities, all within walking distance of the commercial
offerings of Off Main Street and Main Street.
Developers are welcome and encouraged to contact us.
For more information contact:

Brian Haney
Administration: (859) 581-3234
Fax: (859) 581-0015
Email: [email protected]